Saturday, February 1, 2014

SuperBowl Moments and Legacies

     Well, tomorrow is the SuperBowl.    Many people will be watching two teams play for the Ultimate Title; SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS!    For many players, this may be their one and only chance to clench that title.  For others, if they are lucky, will see those lights again in the future.

     Players, as well as fans, coaches and family, will undoubtedly hold their breath until the game is done. History has proven itself that even when one team is sure to win, the other team takes it away in the last few seconds.

     We all have those "Superbowl" moments.  The ones that take our breath away. The moments when "anything is possible.".

     As a Wife and Mom, there are numerous memories that have taken my breath away. Moments ranging from seeing my husband-to-be as the doors opened in the church revealing his bride, seeing and meeting my son for the first time when he was 14 months old, the time he fell and broke his arm, meeting my two daughters for the first time before adoption, participating in their baptisms.

       Included in those moments, are times of loss. Loss of family members, friends.
      These are moments that will never be forgotten.  I am blessed to have memories of these remaining after the brain damage.  Happily, I retain many memories of my Superbowl Moments.  I cannot predict the future. I cannot bet on who will win tomorrows game.

    We also have those moments when we don't win the game.  So many times we find ourselves caught up in the moment, that we forget what game we should be playing.

     Does it really matter what car you drive, or school your kids attend?  Where you go on vacation or eat out for dinner.  Sure, we all enjoy the finer things in life, but how much do they really matter?

     One of my favorite quotes (no idea where it came from), sits on my shelf.  It reads,

"One hundred years from now it will not matter:
What Kind of car you drove,
What kind of house you lived in,
How much you had in your bank account,
But the difference that you made in the life of a child"
It's up to US to create our own SUPERBOWL MOMENT. Establish a Legacy.
What will YOUR Legacy BE???