I'm certain you are aware that January is the #1 grossing month for Weight Loss product sales and services.
It's no surprise.
After all, we begin around October, with cooler weather, less skin showing, more parties to go to, events to attend, less time at the gym and far less attention paid to what we put in our mouths.
Nope. Counting calories from about October through the first week in January is relatively non-existent.
What we DO tend to notice, however, is the moods of others become, for the most part, a bit more generous during these months. Many take the time out to spend extra moments making memories with family and friends. Others, take this time to purchase extravagant items which they cannot "justify" during the other months of the year. Some, even take vacations to "get away".
We are a nation of not just plenty, but TOO MUCH. Too many gadgets, inanimate objects that go by the wayside too quickly. Too many parties, too much food, too many 'THINGS'....
And, for some, this lifestyle has become their "new Norm".
However, for everyone that you see celebrating, there are just as many, if not more, whom are struggling just to get dinner on the table. Struggling to keep their sanity, their jobs, their homes, their sense of "normalcy".
Mothers forcing smiles on their faces, assuring their kids that life is wonderful. Making the best out of what they have.
Spouses, siblings and friends facing life-threatening all-encompassing illnesses, and still, somehow, they find the strength to smile and the celebrate the silver linings.
It's during these "real moments" that we find our strengths as well as weaknesses. We find how broad our shoulders get when a friend or family is down, we find how strong our spirits are when faced with adversity and we find how soft our hearts are when faced with pain and loss.
The key to balance, however, comes when we STOP. STOP and LISTEN. To others. To ourselves. To our souls and our hearts.
TRULY LISTEN. In a quiet space. Uninterrupted. Through prayer, or meditation, or simple silence. We listen. And we learn. And all that is wrong, seems to become a bit more clearer. For what is left unclear, simply doesn't matter.
January is a time to Cleanse and Purge. We clean out old closets, garages and cabinets. Donate what we can and throw out what we must.
We must make certain to do the same for our souls.
Get rid of the negative waste. Replace it with generosity.
Take time to smile at strangers. Let someone in front of you in line...even when you are in a rush.
All we have is time. And each other.
Small acts of kindness are just the RIGHT THING TO DO. You don't have to expect any reciprocal acts. Just do it. Every opportunity you get.
This week, I have struggled keeping faith as doors have been not only shut, but quite frankly slammed in my face as I have been deeply involved in working a project. You can imagine My heart was overwhelmed this week, when I reached out randomly for some advice. To my surprise, and joy, I was met in the face of this adversity, with the most loving, generous and amazing response from someone I would never have imagined.
There are amazing people in this world.
Find them. And lose the dead weight keeping you from making a difference for others.
Pave the way for others to follow your lead.