Monday, December 28, 2015

When is "enough" truly "ENOUGH"? - the Habit of MORE........

     I don't think I'm the only one who notices, but during this time of year EVERYTHING seems to be OVER THE TOP....Decorations, Spending, Wish Lists, Sales, Sales and even BETTER Sales....Rushing around, Just one more thing....
                                                  ...... it's everywhere....and it's LOUD. 
     I don't mean the Noise, necessarily, but LOUD. CHAOS... like, it hurts my head loud.   Hustle and Bustle is an understatement.  Many seem to be so focused on finding that "perfect gift", buying way too many items or searching for the Perfect Outfit for the Party...that they forget to stop and take a look around.

     What is everyone REALLY searching for, anyway?  I know it can't be the sweater that won't fit this time next year, or the new video game which will need replacing in a few months because a newer, better version will be out.  Is it the purse or jeans or perfume you just simply must have?  No.
I don't think it is.

     What I THINK everyone is searching for is that sense of contentment. The sense of belonging. Of feeling needed or wanted.  We are creatures of habit.  We all have Traditions, many even were born out of favorite memories from our childhood.

     Have you ever TRULY stopped in the middle of a crowded store, or mall this time of year and just watched?  WATCHED? Observed.  Read the faces of the other shoppers.  I bet you'll find many of  what I did recently:

1.     The shopper with their arms so full it's clear they had amazing luck finding the perfect gift....or did they?
2.     The shopper with one very small jewelry bag, and a smile in hopes the treasures they are about to share make someone a bit more "blingy"
3.     The kids dragging along behind the grownup still in search of that perfect gift, and the visit with Santa behind them all.

This time of year EVERYONE struggles with SOMETHING.  Be certain to have more patience, more smiles, more generosity, more understanding.

These little things are much bigger than any present you can wrap.

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