Showing posts with label introduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label introduction. Show all posts

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A little about how I got here.......

Well, here it goes............

There is nothing physically stopping me from starting this blog.  I guess you can say that the intimidation factor for me is a bit off the charts. 

However, if you know me, you know that I am very determined. Determined to succeed against all odds.  I've always been a bit of a fighter.

When I was 5, my Mother was killed in a car accident. I was the youngest of 6 kids, and fortunately, also had Grandparents that took us in to raise us.  I was the "baby" , and my siblings always took good care of me....yes, I know, we were 'siblings' and yes, we fought and rough housed, but we always had each other. Common loss causes pretty strong bonds.

In school, I was determined to succeed. After High School, I met the love of my life, Brad. We were married in 1987. We Lived in a remote area of the Navajo Indian Reservation for a few years. Learned that there are so many "sides" to everyone's stories. Life depicted in magazines and history books, is not necessarily accurate. This adventure forced me to see others in such a different light. We learned so much from this journey. Our "necessities" were really "luxuries" to those we lived amongst. Really put life into perspective.  This is a valuable lesson that continues to ring true so many years later.

Then we moved back home to Phoenix for a very short time, until we moved "temporarily" to Tucson. This was 22 years ago. So much for short term!

Turns out it was the best move we made. Here, we built our home, made great friends, and adopted 3 wonderful children.

Kevin, now 17, was our first. Adopted at 14 months old, he is nothing short of amazing. Brilliant and strong. He loves to read. Everything. He is a walking book of encyclopedia on size 12's.  Focused and rational like his Dad, spontaneous and determined like me. I cannot fathom that he will be going to College in another year. Makes me tear up.

Next came our two girls.  Siblings adopted at ages 1 1/2 and almost 3.  Kiara, the oldest of the two, is soft spoken, loves to read and is pretty simple. She enjoys the easy ways of life. A trait that is to be cherished and respected.  She loves to read, do crafts, play on the computer, make videos and just "be a kid".  Kiara is developmentally delayed, so while she is physically 14, she balances somewhere in between child and teen.  This can be refreshing....and yet, at the same time, frustrating for her, as well as the rest of us.  She will do great in life, though. She has a kind heart. Loves animals and sees the good in everyone. She doesn't know a stranger...human or animal.

The baby of the family, Keelan, now physically 12 1/2, also balances somewhere between child and teen.  She is a crack up. She is a mix of her Daddy's strong mind, my determination and a generous dash of love and tenderness.  Her heart puts the Grinch's growing heart to shame. She is 50% Diva, 30% Tomboy and 20% everyday girl....She is not timid, nor shy. She is tough, dominant, hard-headed, outspoken and determined.  I am certain that these traits will serve her well in her lifetime. She has a soft spot for the "underdogs" in the world, albeit animals or people.  She will give you the shirt off of her, her sister's back, anyway.

Life, as we knew it, couldn't have been better. That is until, September 26, 2010.  This day, our lives changed. Forever.  After teaching Sunday School, we all went for a drive in our new mini van. A beautiful day outside. Upon returning home, we all prepared for the next school day. I retired to my craft room, where, after a short time, I began not feeling well.  I had been extremely tired over the past few weeks. So tired, that I had just gone to my Primary Care Physician on Friday to find out why. Lab results showed that my potassium levels were low, and the Dr. prescribed more vitamins to combat the loss of energy.

Long story, short, I began having a strange pain in my jaw. Quick to panic, I summoned my husband to get me my laptop and get me online. Lightening fast, he did. I frantically searched the web, especially WebMD, to determine the cause of the symptoms. Having worked as a Health Aid in the local school district, I was aware of what some of these signs could mean.

After researching, I was convinced that I was having a heart attack. My husband rushed me to the E.R., which is only a few minutes away. After waiting, and testing and waiting more, the E.R. staff couldn't determine anything wrong.  They had, however, determined that it might be in my best interest to remain in the care of the hospital overnight for observation.

What happened next was a shock to EVERYONE.  I went to restroom and upon returning, shook my dozing husbands arm and informed him that something wasn't right.

Well. It wasn't right. In fact, at that moment, I dropped dead from Sudden Cardiac Death. Yep. Dead.

According to my husband, it was like a scene in a movie. Doctors and nurses running here and there, calling out orders, performing CPR on me. Right there in the emergency room.  The world was in slow motion for him.  As for me, I had no idea what was going on. After all, my heart had stopped. I was DEAD.

 God was there. No doubt. I felt Him. I saw Him. I was held by Him. He was there. In the surgeon's hands. In his heart. In the staff that worked tediously to save my life. He was there in prayer. With my husband, my family. But He was WITH ME. By my side.

58 minutes passed. Terrorizing for my husband and family. But I knew nothing but calm and comfort. Until I woke up. Much Later.

When I awoke, I was intubated. I awoke with such wonder. Such confusion. But, by my side, was my husband. Tears in his eyes, but such strength. He tried to tell me what happened. But nothing made sense. So I slept. A lot.

The days and months following were and are still a blur. Days filled with sleep, Doctors appointments, Psychiatrists, Rehab. Exhausting. But, there, around the corner, was my family. My husband. My children. My sister (who moved in to help take care of my kids.)  Friends. Co-workers. Our Minister and Church Family.

Simply Amazing.

My story is long. And there is so much to still tell.  However, from the above, I hope you will get an idea of my journey. Where I have been, and where I am still to go.