There is this famous artist. His paintings seems simple enough at a glance. Serene. But the longer you stare at his work, the more it comes to life. A painting within painting. Story within a story. Nothing which was seen before this discovery, is ever seen again in quite the same light. And yet, the painting hasn't changed. It is still the same painting. The only manipulative here, is your own perspective. The angle in which you view the painting, gives it life. If you have ever been to an art gallery, such as the MFA in Boston, you will observe people standing and staring at a work of art. Then watch a bit longer, and you will see them move angles, take a step or two backwards. And stare. In this once serene painting, you begin to see alternate images. Meanings. A bit more clarity, even.
In Matthew 7:15, we learn to beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are ravenous wolves. Certain that he wasn't speaking of paintings, we can be assured he was speaking of human nature. The people whom intentionally mislead and deceive, for their own personal gain. Unfortunately, we all know these folks. The ones that lead you to believe that they are "looking out for you and/or your best interest.... when in fact, they have alternative motives. Mostly, their own success, or game changer.
But then again, Tweedle Dee gives his logic, "Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.”
So, nothing is always as it seems. Blurry vision....blurred perspective.
In the grand scheme of life, the only perspective you need worry about is the one that keeps you at peace. True and honest. The one that causes you to treat others with kindness and respect. Respect for differences in opinion, likes and dislikes, religion, politics.
A simple word with so much meaning.
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